Thursday, December 9, 2010

Introduction to Taiwan

1. Facts

Taiwan is also known as 'beautiful island'. This name was given by a group of Portuguese sailors who are the first Westerners to visit the island.

Taiwan is widely famous for shopping, eating and hot spring. In the first decade of 21st century, Taiwan has managed to attract spiritual seekers travellers to the country to experience their religious heritage and gourmets.

The republic of China is also commonly known as Taiwan.

2. Climate

Located at the northern part of Taiwan, Taipei experience a semi-tropical climate.

Taiwan experiences 4 seasons, comprising of:

Spring: ( April - May ) Cooling

Summer: ( June - September ) Hot, humid and typhoons.

Autumn: (October - November ) cool temperature

Winter: ( December - March) drizzly and chilly

Tips 1: travel to Taipei during Spring and Authumn ! :)

Tip 2: The Typhoon Season is between the month of May to October

And their rainy seasons are usually during the May and September period.

In Taiwan, natural hazards such as earthquakes are also common in the region.

3. History, Background

The early settlers of Taipei are the Ketagalan tribes followed by the Han Chinese. By the late 19 century, the Han Chinese settlers occupy most of the Northern Taiwan. It was then take over by Japan during the World War II and named as Taihoku in Japanese.

Taipei become the offical capital of Taiwan in 1894

Fast Fact!

Do you know how Taipei Baisin come about?

About 300 years ago, Taipei was a lake and later on it was drained away which form what was called Taipei Baisin.

4. Political

In Taiwan political party, there 2 party ;

Kuomintang and Democratic Progressive Party

Currently, the president of Taiwan is Ma Ying-jeou who is the part of Kuomingtang. He has been elected for the position of the president of Taiwan since 20 May 2008.

Fast Fact!

Taiwan is not recognized as a country by most of the world; however, it does have an Olympic Committee and competes in the Olympic Games as "Chinese Taipei." – By Matt Rosenberg Article: Is Taiwan A country? From Guide

5. The People

The majority of the ancestors of Taiwanese came from mainland China, the south-eastern coastal provinces of Fujian and Guangdong.

In Taiwan, there are 3 groups of Chinese which speak different dialect; Minnanese, Hakka, and Mandarin and a small population of aborigines.

The traditional values in Taiwan are generally based on Confucian ethics which emphasis on education and work and the importance of ‘face’. In addition, the society in Taiwan does not practice sexual discrimination. Women are being recognised and respect. They enjoy freedom and higher social status.

6. Taipei, The Capital of Taiwan

Located at the Northern part of Taiwan, Taipei being the largest city and also the capital of Taiwan have 12 district as shown below.

Being the political, economic and culture centre of Taiwan, Taipei has a blend of traditions culture and cosmopolitan life. It has well-built infrastructure like the railways, high speed rail and airports to connect Taipei with all parts of the island.

Currently, there are two airports in Taipei ; Taipei Songshan and Taiwan Taoyuan. Taipei is also home to one of the largest collections of Chinese artefact's and artworks in the world like the National Palace Museum.

Allow me to end off my post by featuring the most significant landmark of Taipei,

The Taipei 101!


1. Architectures of Taiwan

The development of Taiwan architecture represents the epitome of socio-cultural and economic development in modern Taiwan. It can be easily define by certain distinct features as it has a mixture of traditional Chinese and the colonial’s architectural patterns.

Wood is an important elemen in Taiwan Architecture.

Examples like wooden sculptures and patterns are commonly found in the traditional buildings and temples in Taiwan. Another essential artwork in Taiwanese architecture is Murals. It is an artwork that is painted directly on the ceiling, wall and large surfaces. These artworks reveal the variety and richness of Chinese art.

It is common to spot southern Fukien and Eastern Kwangtung States in the traditional Taiwan achitectural, as they are influence by them. The most common derivation of the buildings in Taiwan are from the original San-Ho-Yuan pattern or Three winged pattern (a central building with two wings attached perpendicular to either side) and the Szu-ho-yuan or four winged pattern of architecture. (a wall added in front to connect the two wings)

Do you know?

The Lin Family Compound in Panchiao, a suburb of Taipei & the Lin Family Compound in Wufeng, near Taichung are well famous for its San-Ho-Yuan pattern and Szu—Ho-Yuan pattern.

Do you know?

An iconic architect building in Taiwan is the Taipei 101, which is also formerly known as the Taipei World Financial Center. It has won the Emporis Skyscaper Award in 2004 and was the official world tallest building since until 2010 when construction of Dubai Tower was done. The tower was brilliantly designed to withstand natural disaster like typhoons and earthquakes. It symbolise the evolution of technology and Asian tradition.

2. Temples

Aboriginal, Minnan and Hakka architecture was once domination of Taiwan architecture. However, it later gave way to Merchant houses and Western religious buildings. These buildings became special in Taiwanese towns and cities.

The traditional designs which portray the finest and most outstanding specimens of chiense architecture in Taiwan can be seen in many temples. The religious temple in Taiwan like Buddhist, Taoist shared the same basic temple structure. All of these temples have significant meaning in their architectural and has been conserved.

3. Religious

Other than the native beliefs, Taiwan has 13 other religions.

Hsuan-yuan Chiao - honors Huangti, the historic unifier of China.
Li-ism - a religion that sieves the best out of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism
Tenrikyo - and resembles Buddhism in its simplicity.
Tienti Teachings
Tien Te Chiao
I-Kuan Ta

4. Cuisine

Taiwanese Cuisine is heavily influenced by the diet of Fujian province. However, it is its improvisations of the food that make Taiwanese dishes unique and special. In Taipei, it is like a food paradise where you can find almost all the Taiwanese cuisine. Fresh farm and sea ingredients are all sold readily in Taipei. With the fertile soil and sunny climate of Taiwan, top quality ingredient like Tropical fruits and high mountain veggies are produced.

Some of the renowned cuisine of Taiwan are like that Soup dumpling, Stinky Tofu, Danzai noodles can be found almost everywhere in Taipei. Last but not least Taiwan also offers its own unique types of restaurant, such as vegetarian, "improved" hot pot.

5. Etiquette

Taiwanese Etiquette are similar to the East Asian Communities. It is also practice by many Chinese.

Some examples are like:
- Never put chopsticks (upright) on their bowl as it is believed to connote the deaths.
- Never write name in red as it is related to deaths.
- Never whistle at night as it represent calling for the evil spirits
- Avoid giving gifts like umbrella, clocks and shoes

6. Music

Traditional Chinese music are found in Taiwan. Different tribes have their own music as well.

Have you heard of Taiwanese Pop?

It is a music genre that was sing in Taiwanese Language which is Min Nan. It is also known as Hokkien Pop. Taiwanese Pop was once popular in Taiwan whereby many old folks love to hear. However, due to the assimilation policy, Taiwanese languages and culture was suppress and came the rise of Mandarin Pop which has attracted many younger generations.

True enough, Taiwan Mandarin Pop culture was so strong that whenever one mention about Taiwan, the first thing that came into our mind are its famous artist like A Mei , Coco Lee & Jolin Tsui. Taiwan Mandarin Pop artisit are well known around the Chinese Music industry, sometimes even the westerner know about their songs.

The amis tribe dancing

On top of that, Taiwan indigenous people have the most richest history about dance and music. Using of simple instruments like drums, stringed and woodwind instruments and percussion, they danced with the flow of the melodic notes. Dancing and music is played during rituals ceremonies and happy occasions.